Yearly Archives: 2015

The 10 Qualities of a Smart Working Resume.

Does your resume have what it takes to breach the 6-seconds barrier? "Recruiters spend an average of six seconds before they make the initial 'fit or no fit' decision on candidates” - The Ladders, online career portal. In an aggressive marketplace, average resumes get lost in cyberspace while smart resumes rise above the crowd and...

Skills Employers Want: 10 Ways Newcomers Can Be Job-ready

Although you may be able to tick off many of the skills that are mentioned on any given job posting, there may still be other transferrable skills that employers expect from you. Once you know what employers are actually looking for, you can easily customize your resumé, cover letter and even your job interviews to...

15 Winning Strategies to Find the Perfect Job via LinkedIn

With more than 225 million members in more than 200 countries, LinkedIn, the world’s largest online professional network continues to attract two new members every second. Did you know that your LinkedIn profile is one of the first things that recruiters see when they look you up on Google? What impression is your current profile...

5 Steps to Develop Your Unique Personal Brand for Lasting Career

New to Canada and at your wit’s end trying to land a job? Amazed and dismayed at the difficulty of the entire job search process? Shocked that you are not even receiving email acknowledgments, let alone a call for an interview? Been there, done that. The many challenges that you face while seeking job openings can...